
Don't ask us, ask our customers...

Our references and videos speak for themselves and help you with your product decision.

...or take a look at our selection of objects that we have successfully dried / ventilated / renovated / surveyed so far.

Day care center

3012 Bern

Daycare center under running operation with anode and cathode installation in the wall and under the floor

Apartment house

2544 Bettlach

DRYMAT®- installation and intelligent 2-way fan as window installation

Cafe Cairo

3013 Bern

DRYMAT®- installation in a Bernese sandstone wall

Residential cooperative in Niederholz 20 semi-detached houses

4125 Riehen

DRYMAT®- installation and intelligent 2-way fan as installation by means of a core hole

Academy of Fine Arts (expert opinion)


1820 Montreux | R.S.

DRYMAT® - the perfect solution for us

After weeks of heavy downpours, we were shocked to discover that wetness had entered the house through the walls. An expert told us that there were signs of rising damp. Our beautiful villa, built in 1928, is located on a steep hillside on Lake Geneva. Structural changes were out of the question for cost reasons. So what could we do about the dampness? The walls and the floor were not only damp, but wet! After intensive research, we came across the DRYMAT® from The references convinced us completely. What worked in large apartment buildings, such as in Riehen, would certainly also work for us!

It took a year of patience, but it was worth it. About 12 months later, there were massive downpours again, some of which were even more intense than before.

The house remained completely dry, no wet floor, no damp walls! We recommend the DRYMAT® with full conviction!

3000 Bern | J. F.

Feedback on the success of drying our basement thanks to the installation of DRYMAT® in December 2010

Experience report living climate
Happy and satisfied, I thank you for the drainage of our basement. Since the DRYMAT® system was installed in December 2010, the entire living climate in the house has changed wonderfully. Gone is the dampness that previously wetted the walls, gone is the musty smell and gone is the unpleasant feeling that the old walls were cold and wet and radiated an unhealthy, unwelcoming living climate right up into the living rooms. Today the property is dry and pleasantly comfortable. The DRYMAT® installation works steadily and maintenance-free. The transformation to this pleasant living feeling took time. But the patience was more than worth it. I am very happy to have chosen this solution.

The decision to purchase the DRYMAT® a good three years ago seemed to me to be a bit of an adventure, because I simply could not imagine it working with such a "small inconspicuous box". The positive circumstances were decisive for the purchase: First, no construction measures were necessary and no additional space was required. In addition, the low (risk-free) acquisition costs were convincing. Thanks to the simplicity of installation and maintenance-free operation, it was clear to me from the start that nothing could go wrong. This solution was the easiest way. If it should not work with the DRYMAT®, then I would still have the possibility for deeper intervention into the masonry by other reorganization measures. Such a step-by-step approach, starting with the lowest cost and bypassing construction work and drives with much greater effort, made perfect sense.

To this I can only say today: Fortunately, I chose this course of action. Because not only are the walls dry today and the room climate in the basement very pleasant, but in addition the recovery of the house foundation has had an effect on the upper floors. Today, my house has a very homely, pleasant and comfortable living feeling. Even my skepticism about a possible disturbing electric field remained unfounded. There is good energy everywhere.

The DRYMAT® works trouble-free, reliably and completely noiselessly. One would almost forget about this device if it were not for this remarkable increase in living comfort.

3550 Langnau | D.B.

Reference letter for the company

In the spring of 2009, on the occasion of a building inspection, I witnessed a situation that I had never seen before. In a newer large building east of Bern, we discovered that it was not the flat roof that was to blame for the damp walls up to the attic and running water in the parking garage, but capillary water on a scale that I had never seen before. After the installation of several DRYMAT® units, the large building and the parking garage were largely dry after one year.

3110 Münsingen

The parking garage in Münsingen showed moisture damage and salt efflorescence.
Here, too, the DRYMAT® successfully saved the building from worse damage.

3000 Bern | Parking garage in Bern

In Berner Einstellhalle the column is dry after 6 months.

4001 Basel | Mold and mildew odor

Kitchen in BL with mold and mildew smell. The drying phase has begun, the smell is no longer noticeable.

8049 Zurich | C. T.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

The mounted DRYMAT® system masters the difficult task. In previous years, I had real water ingress through the stamped concrete in the basement. But that has failed to happen with the recent and intense rains of the last few days! The ventilation with the Grammer® solar panel is also brilliant. The humidity has been reduced to a normal level (50%-60%) within a very short time and the air quality in the heating and basement is unrecognizable. No more musty smell, no more mold! This is a great improvement compared to the last years. The combination of the DRYMAT® electrophysical system and the Grammer® solar fan for automated ventilation really seems to be ideal.

Thank you for the good work, your C.T.

Examples of objects before basement dehumidification and after with dry basement

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Get in touch with us without obligation. We look forward to your inquiry!

Tobias Bayer
Managing Director

Tobias Bayer profile picture